2014年7月24日 星期四

2014 ~ 2015 全球機器人市場慨況 ( 2014 ~ 2015 The Survey Of Global Robotics Market )


























At Sarangchae, a museum affiliated with Cheong Wa Dae, a kiosk-shaped robot greets guests with a heartwarming smile. Named Tiro, the machine introduces Korea’s culture and gives directions and answers in four different languages when visitors pick a question on its LED screen. Also on display are dancing robots, known as Metal Fighter, and the robotic dogs each called Genibo, which amuse both young and old and offer a glimpse into Korea’s advances in the industry. 

“Tiro is enjoying explosive popularity, especially among foreigners,” said Chin Hun-kook, chief marketing officer of Hanool Robotics Corp, which co-developed the project with four university research institutes. “Chinese, Japanese and other foreign tourists scramble to take pictures of themselves with it.”

For Hanool engineers, Tiro is much more than mindless metal. A couple of years ago, the humanoid was the emcee at a company engineer’s wedding. “It was a fun, very special ceremony,” Chin said. “We input speeches into Tiro with a timeline beforehand and everything went smoothly.” 

Tiro and its peers were installed in September 2010 in the presidential museum, visited by a monthly average of 70,000. They help attract more visitors, save costs on manpower, and more importantly are an advertisement of the nation’s cutting-edge technologies that made it a global leader in chips, mobile phones, TVs, display panels, and robotics that combine them all.

Korea is the world’s fourth-largest robot producer behind Japan, Germany and the U.S., controlling about 10 percent of global sales in 2009. Since 2003, the government has been boosting investment and supporting research and development in the nascent industry as one of the 10 next-generation growth engines. 

Korea is now more ambitious as the mainstay of the industry is shifting from industrial machines to service robots such as home and office helpmates, robot teachers, surgery arms and other applications in which Korea has a strong potential with its electronics and telecommunications competitiveness.

Last month, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy announced a comprehensive package to promote the fledgling service robotics industry. It will spend 30 billion won ($26.7 million) for their development, commercialization, standardization and marketing over the next seven years. 

In June, 11 consortiums of robot manufacturers and research institutions were selected to conduct six-month pilot programs into which the government has injected more than 2.1 billion won. Consortium leaders included Samsung Techwin, Nautilus Hyosung and Future Robot, the Korea Institute of Science and Technology and Kwangwoon University.

Growing market

Service robots typically assist humans with dirty, dangerous and repetitive tasks. They are used for household and office chores as well as professional tasks as surgery, navigation, milking, education, rescue, demining and military patrol operations.

With the workforce aging and labor costs rising, global sales of service robots are estimated to jump more than 26-fold to $85.5 billion in 2018 from $3.2 billion in 2008, according to the knowledge economy ministry data. The global robot market could reach $190 billion in 2020. 

Around 8.7 million service robots were sold globally in 2009, up from some 7 million year-on-year, according to the Frankfurt-based International Federation of Robotics. 

Of the total, household robots account for nearly 64 percent and entertainment and teaching robots 35 percent.

The Korean market is estimated at 1.02 trillion won in 2009, up more than 23 percent from 2008, according to the state-run Korea Institute for Robot Industry Advancement. Service robots and component manufacturing sectors are expanding by 40 percent each year, it said in a report.

Despite huge costs and technological limitations, the robotics industry is growing exponentially in line with the emergence of smarter, more human-like inventions with more diverse, specialized applications, the Samsung Economic Research Institute said.

“Service robots will leverage the entire industry’s growth,” the leading think tank said in a recent report. “Opportunities are still open for Korean companies to lead the market.” 

One of the leaders in Korea is Nautilus Hyosung, which has gained a reputation for its brainchild, Fantasia Robot, which served as a guide in the lobby of the city hall of Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province until last year. 

The 120-centimeter-tall robot allowed visitors to print parking permits and arrange meetings with city officials with a touch on its LED screen. 

Fitted with a number of ultrasonic sensors and a laser scanner that detects obstacles, it escorted people to places inside the building. 

The kiosk-shaped creation moves up to 50 centimeters per second and runs for eight hours once charged, said Kwon Yong-kwan, the firm’s robot development team chief. 

“Fantasia Robot is a mixture of robotics technology and Hyosung’s expertise in financial services solutions,” he said. “It won huge popularity and interest from numerous visitors throughout the period.” 

Industrial Robots – Worldwide Trends and Technology

The emergence of huge consumer markets in BRIC countries, in Turkey and in Middle East is expected to ensure the increasing consumer demand, which will lead to high investments in automation. Energy efficiency and Light weight construction materials are the main challenges for manufacturing industry. Global Robotics market will continue to grow due to increased demand from automotive sector which accounts for more than one-third of robot sales. Other than automotive, there is a high traction for industrial robots from sectors like Electrical and Electronics, Chemical, Pharmaceuticals and Food and Beverage industries. During the period of 2013-2015, industrial robot sales are expected to increase by 3-5% on average per year and in 2015, it is expected to touch the 200,000 units mark.

End–User demand for Industrial Robots

In 2012, there was a slight decrease in the sales of robots by 3-4% to 159,346 units primarily due to reduced demand from electrical and electronics sector. However, Electronics is still using large numbers of robots driven by the need for precision, speed and quality. The market here is growing due to the increasing production of personal electronic devices (e.g. mobile phones, ipads etc.). On the contrary, the sales for automotive sector still continue to increase worldwide by 6%.It has been so far the largest end-user segment accounting for almost 50% of the demand. In Germany, robot density (number of robots per 10,000 employees) is 1176 in automotive verses 137 across all other sectors. Though the graph has gone downhill for metal and machinery industry, it’s still on the rise for industries like Chemical and Rubber and Plastics. Due to increased industrialization in emerging economies, there is a huge demand for automation and hence there is a subsequent increase in robot sales. It will continue to grow in the near future when robots will collaborate with workers and their integration in the manufacturing process

Five countries hold 70 percent of the total robot supply in 2012

In 2012, Japan, China, United States, Korea and Germany accounted for around 70 percent of the total robot sales. Exports of industrial robots from Japan have increased by about 80% in the last five years due to the global market expansion of industrial robots. With the rise of the Chinese market, Germany and Republic Of Korea have increased exports to China more than ten times in the last five years, and Japan has more than quadrupled such exports, anticipating fiercer competition in the Chinese market. In 2012, China was the second largest robot market in the world following Japan. Although robot sales to China only slightly increased in 2012 to about 23,000 units, it is the most rapidly growing market in the world. Between 2005 and 2012, sales of industrial robots have increased by about 25% on average per year.

Advances in Robotic Technology and Applications

Microprocessor, Artificial Intelligence techniques and innovations in Automation and Control systems are among the major technological advancements that have taken place in the past decade. Controller is an integral part of any robotic system and is instrumental in performing the application tasks. A controller with higher processing power will allow more items to be added to the robot controller. Integration into a work cell becomes easier with advancement in controllers. There has been a reduction in the size of controllers and it is a trend that is expected to continue in the robotics industry. It helps robots to be more alert to deal with the rising demand for strong automation and also contributes to the declining cost of robotic systems. It also facilitates robotic safety and hence can be used in non-factory setup without any safety shield.

IRC5 is ABB’s fifth generation robot controller and is the key to robot’s performance in terms of accuracy, speed, cycle-time, programmability and synchronization with external devices.

Introduction of machines which provides the opportunity to tailor the selected robot to the requirements of the application, thereby providing a solution which is cost effective. Highly developed software for robot control ensures outstanding performance and it also makes the installation, operation and maintenance of the robot easier.
Kawasaki Robotics has introduced PC-ROSET, which is PC based simulation software for robots and allows the user to carry out robot teaching anywhere. PC-ROSET outputs accurate cycle time and the teaching data created can be sent to the robot controller for execution. ... continue to Read.

  • 由於上升的龐大的消費市場產業化,實現自動化的傾向將繼續增長。中國工業機器人需求持續增加,需求排行是中國、日本、韓國、德國和美國。作為工業機器人,汽車行業和廣大的電氣和電子工業,其次是金屬和機械工業,塑料和化工行業工業需求。因此,製造商推動的生產速度和效率的限制,機器人將在提高生產力,效率發揮典型的一部分,並提高輸出,同時將降低運營成本。
  • 機器人需求持續增加,未來工作機會將減少,未來的工作形態將大幅改變
  • 台灣由於製造比重下降,因此,工業機器人需求下降? 台灣工業機器人需求是台灣製造很重要指標。

2014年7月12日 星期六

從統一超、85度C 看台灣服務業擴充與全球化策略 - 絕非馬政府服貿策略 ( From the 7-11, 85 degrees C to see Taiwan service industry expansion and globalization strategies

四大超商 年底衝10,200店








統一超商流通次集團佈局海外市場,發展雖遍及中國、東南亞與加拿大地區,但從行業種類與營運規模來看,中國市場還是流通次集團的操作重心,包括星巴克咖啡連鎖店、銀座超市、優瑪特量販店與康是美藥妝店,形成以量販超市、餐飲與藥妝店三大操作主軸。統一超 商總經理徐重仁日前更宣佈,由於中國幅員遼闊,為深耕市場,在山東銀座超市已整合完畢後,流通次集團的中國辦公室發展重心,將轉移至四川成都,就近強化發展四川優瑪特量販店。

統一企業因為佈局中國市場有成,帶動龐大的市場商機,現成為投資法人加碼的主要標的,而統一超商在台灣把 7-Eleven 經營的非常出色,卻礙於美國 7-Eleven inc. 授權無法在中國經營便利商店但即使如此,統一超商總經理徐重仁已不只一次對外表示,便利商店並不是現階段最適合中國市場的零售業態,流通次集團需考量到當地消費接受度,找到最適合的切入點。


「好冷喔~好想喝杯熱騰騰的咖啡!」在寒冷的冬天,特別容易讓人想無時無刻都能嚐到燒燙燙的美味咖啡來取暖。然而,在眾多現煮「咖啡海」中,你的選擇會是什麼呢?是711的city cafe?全家的LetsCafe?萊爾富的HI CAFE?STARBUCKS?還是,你是否還記得曾紅極一時,被我們視為「平價時尚」的85度C?

◎美國85度C品牌策略: 品牌在地化,入境隨俗

  1. 大賣場感,一次購足
  2. 前店後廠模式,加快生產速率
    • 為了供應大量需求,加密出爐速率,一小時出爐一次。此外,麵包出爐時,門市人員會一起高喊「FRESH BREAD!」除了讓消費者感受85度C的活力,也拉近與顧客的距離。
  3. 產品差異化、多量多樣-打出口碑 
    • 美國本身已是咖啡及麵包店大國,85度C何以成功闖出一片天?原因就在產品種類繁多,能夠吸引顧客上門;當其他店在試圖減化銷售項目時,85度C卻反過來研發更多產品,給予消費者更多選擇,成功打造出口碑。此外,當某樣商品只能在85度C買到,就更能確保顧客回流率。
  4. 動線規畫
    • 相較於台灣的85度C店舖小,美國85度C店面大,實體店面環境較複雜,因而特別規劃動線,讓消費者在選購之餘不致感到混亂,也提高整體結帳速度。

  1. 提升服務業精神─ 行銷學之父 philip kotler 曾說過:不論做什麼生意,都是服務業。85度c在二代店中更致力於服務行銷,從後場的服務系統建立到前場的服務人員,都試圖做到最好的服務。
  2. 服務的創新─新的餐點、精緻禮盒販售、免費無線上網,二代店提供許多創新的服務,使度c從一間單純的咖啡店變成令人連流忘返休閒空間。
  3. 體驗行銷─顧客體驗的決定因素包含外在刺激與內在心理,包含服務功能,實體環境與服務人員。
傳統行銷 v.s 體驗行銷

為了給予顧客全新的體驗,二代店從店型外觀、招牌,到店內陳列與動線皆與舊店不同,試圖重新打造85形象。招牌以黑底紅字取代以往的白色,此外,新店的設計更具時尚感,試圖打造更舒適的環境。餐點部分新增三明治等輕食、早午餐、新甜點、精緻禮品販售等。希望使顧客從一走進二代店就能體驗到全新的舒適氛圍,進而做出購買決策。... 持續閱讀


2014年7月10日 星期四

Google 從 Nest 到 Dropcam 點燃 - 智慧型家庭正在興起 ( Google strategy is to push IOT from Nest and Dropcam )

Nest 以 5.55 億收購了 Dropcam 公司

Nest 宣佈將以 5.55 億美金收購 Dropcam 這間 IP 相機公司。這次的收購是以 Nest 的名義,並在 Nest 的官方部落格上宣佈,所以交易理應是 Nest 作為一間獨立子公司的自我決定。Nest 表示交易完成之後,Dropcam 將會整合到 Nest 旗下,而且 Nest 將會以自家處理私隱資料的政策去處理來自 Dropcam 的資料,沒有客戶的批准之下,他們是不會將個人資料跟任何人分享;Nest 更註明就算是 Google 也不會。

Nest 表示他們花了很多時間去尋找來自世界各地的相機公司和技術,最後毫無保留地認為 Dropcam 的產品、服務和客戶體驗都是世上最好的,所以就決定買他們。至於交易完成後將會怎樣使用 Dropcam 的資產?Nest 沒有明確地告訴我們,只是說現在距離 Dropcam 產品跟 Nest 產品協作又走近一步;換言之兩公司的產品功能有可能會整合。另外,Dropcam 產品的用戶依然可以繼續使用他們的 Dropcam 帳號,以及繼續可以在他們的網上商店和其他實體店中買到 Dropcam 產品。

Google旗下Nest 成為新平台,廣招開發商打造智慧家庭

已經簽定合作的業者包括賓士車Mercedes-Benz, 運動腕帶廠商 Jawbone、家電商 Whirlpool、燈泡業者 LIFX、簡訊應用 IFTTT(IF This Then That) 及羅技。這些業者也都已推出與Nest整合的應用。


Nest執行長Matt Rogers指出,Nest長久以來都在開發可和人與家庭互動的智慧產品,以確保居家的安全與舒適。Working with Nest開發商計畫將可和全世界開發商一起創造更有智慧的居家環境。Nest希望透過開發商計畫讓不同軟、硬體業者都能連結 Nest 恆溫控制器及其 Protect 煙霧偵測器資料,產生多種應用方式。他並強調,Nest要做的不只是一個可以遠端開關家中裝置的數位面板,而是要能安全連結所有日常事物,包括電燈、家庭、運動腕帶甚至車輛等等。

已經簽定合作的業者包括賓士車Mercedes-Benz, 運動腕帶廠商Jawbone、家電商Whirlpool、燈泡業者 LIFX、簡訊應用 IFTTT(IF This Then That) 及羅技。這些業者也都已推出與Nest整合的應用。

例如使用者可利用IFTTT設定「如果Nest Protect偵測到煙霧,就傳送簡訊給鄰居」。

LIFX的燈泡可在 Nest Protect 偵測到煙霧或一氧化碳時轉成閃紅燈,或是Nest恆溫計轉到「離開」(Away)模式時,LIFX可自動隨機開、關燈光,偽裝成家中有人的樣子。↓

羅技的 Ultimate 萬用遙控器除了可開啟電視、電燈外,現在也能控制Nest溫度感測器。



今年秋天還會有其他第三方開發商整合成果,包括車庫門控制器Chamberlain以及Nest的東家Google。利用Google語音辨識使用者可透過類似「OK Google,把溫度調到25度」的指令來控制Nest。此外用戶也可以用 Google Now 來和 Nest 互動。

Nest表示,有5000多家開發商對整合Nest有興趣,因此除了開發商召募計畫外,Nest並宣佈和創投業者 Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers 及 Google旗下的 Google Venturs 聯合成立Thoughtful Things Fund 基金提供新創公司的開發資金。

日前Nest才宣佈以5.55億美金收購網路攝影機 Dropcam。經由 Nest 及 Dropcam 的收購,將使Google進一步加速拓展智慧家庭的計畫,並超越蘋果等競爭對手。Nest並將在5月26日的Google I/O開發者大會上說明這項計畫。

Aros air conditioner by Quirky and GE is a sleek way to keep your cool this summer

Co-designed by former Department of Energy worker Garthen Leslie in a multimillion-dollar GE, this is a sleek, sexy unit for the smartphone generation. Bonus: maker Quirky has partnered with Uber for to-your-doorstep delivery service in New York City, a downright luxury when you think of the injustice of slogging a window unit from Home Depot in 99% humidity.
partnership with

The much buzzed-about air conditioning unit from Quirky – which was invented by a former U.S. Department of Energy flack – is one cool window unit.

Quirky has partnered with Uber for to-your-doorstep delivery service in New York City, a downright luxury when you think of the injustice of slogging a window unit from Home Depot on a day when there’s 99% humidity. And they’ve embraced the kitsch, with Quirky employees donning Hawaiian-print shirts and bussing around in a converted 1970s ice cream truck.

And then, there’s the Aros unit itself.

Co-designed by Garthen Leslie in a multimillion-dollar partnership with GE, this is a sleek, sexy unit for the smartphone generation. Rather than ugly horizontal grille that is prone to collect the various dust mites lurking around the city, Aros’ front is a pleasing array of dots, with the cold air blowing upwards instead of outwards.


  • 智慧型家庭重點不是只有 IOT、雲聯結,是要有方便性、技術突破性、極高安全性例如可以節能30%、可以自動建議你飲食等等,否則,IOT智慧型家庭是難以普及。