2014年9月29日 星期一

台灣競爭力排行大衰,今明年GDP年增率仍是亞洲倒數三名 - 政府不重視數據、政府支出分配效能差、稅率及投資環境缺競爭力,終於造成競爭力大衰退 ( Taiwan's competitiveness ranking big decline, GDP annual growth rate in Asia is still the countdown three )

競爭力排行/我政府效能、企業效能 連三降












目前台灣是相當不公平, 因為勞保退休給付 終生可領 243萬裡只有10%
既24.萬 是政府由稅收支出給勞工的, 90% 勞工繳給政府的綜所稅就
 KMT 政府勞保補助 10% 就是苛待勞工違反人權之證據

曾任《洛杉磯時報》總主筆的普萊特(Tom Plate)最近還撰文指出:稱讚馬總統的政治勇氣,推動ECFA,尋找台灣出路,並且改善兩岸關係。文中形容:如果台海兩邊發生戰爭,美國將被捲入,亞洲將被打回石器時代。

註:在台灣、美國都期待ECFA簽約後,兩安和平繁榮,台灣簽 FTA 國家能增加,經濟能更成長,實際上:
若政府不重視下列數據還亂施政, 政府效能是不可能提高

剛說這幾項主要負責就是總統, 經建會, 經濟部, 財政部, 主計處要解決, 但總統只在乎國庫與稅收是否夠政府經常性支出, 卻不去看

  1. 為什麼簽 ECFA 後, 中資外資來台投資金額不增反減? 資金大幅外流?
  2. 為什麼其他週遭國家能用優惠稅率吸收台灣投資 ?
  3. 為什麼新加坡 FDI 金額成績是台灣 20倍, 還遠比新加坡政府經常性支出多很多?

總統不解這三問題,政府就未解開這三問題,政府競爭力問題未解決、資金就持續對外投資、這是台灣與週遭優惠稅率競爭表很明顯看出留在台灣只投資房地產,而政府支出分配大部份是公務體系人事退休經常性支出分配給勞保補助也小於中央政府支出3%既小於685億,這樣的政府支出分配效能差無法有效提升經濟成長率且苛待勞工,這些原因與"藍綠鬥爭一直空轉"之問題是完全無關;( 註:亞洲競爭狀況

  • 台灣: 營所稅 17% + 保留盈餘加抽 10%, 台幣匯率高 11%
  • 菲律賓, 印尼及越南匯率 : 優惠營所稅 15% ~ 16%, 匯率低 11% 以上
  • 中國大陸: 新高科營所稅 15%, 人民幣幣匯率高 11% 

元大寶華:今明年GDP年增率 雙保三,亞洲排名仍是倒數三名





輸出方面,梁國源指出,台灣出口恢復成長,1到8月平均成長率達3.4%,創下近3年新高,蘋果iPhone6熱銷,及微軟停止更新Windows XP,帶動今年下半年手機及個人電腦換機潮下,對台灣帶來長鞭效果,對出口是利多。

2014年9月27日 星期六

太陽能應用在無人機連網計畫 - 將改變開發中國家通訊系統 ( Solar Airplane Autopilot Will Change the Global Wireless Communication Network - Specially in developing country )


Facebook Connectivity Lab工程總監參與由Mashable主辦的2014 Social Good Summit時透露,他們準備打造的無人機具備太陽能供電能力,大小類似商業用的747機種,但重量會更輕。實驗室中的一架原型機的長度約等同於6~7台的Prius車種,但只有4個Prius輪胎的重量。

Facebook Connectivity Lab工程總監Yael Maguire在參與由Mashable主辦的2014 Social Good Summit時透露,他們準備打造的無人機將不是傳統概念上的小型飛機,而是體型類似商用747飛機大小,且可仰賴太陽能供電、可經年累月飛行的大型無人機。

Connectivity Lab 是 Faceboook 於今年3月發表的無人機實驗室,集結了航空、噴射機,與通訊專家,旨在打造可提供網路服務的無人機,以協助推動 Internet.org 的全球連網服務計畫。當時 Facebook 也宣布收購了英國專門開發以太陽能供電的無人機 Ascenta 開發團隊,以加速這項計畫。

Maguire 在與 Mashable 執行長 Pete Cashmore 對談時表示,為了讓這些無人機得以在天上停留數月或數年的時間,它們必須飛行在6萬~9萬英呎高的天上,一般的飛機並不會飛行得那麼高。除了緯度的限制外,此一無人機必須具備太陽能供電能力,大小類似商業用的747機種,但重量會更輕。實驗室中的一架原型機的長度約等同於6~7台的 Prius 車種,但只有4個 Prius 輪胎的重量。

由波音所打造的 747 飛機可用來載運乘客或貨物,其中,最常見的 747-400 民航機可根據空間配置載運 416~660 名乘客。

Facebook 的無人機連網計畫鎖定開發中國家,並已列出21個位於拉丁美州、非洲與亞洲的國家為優先部署地區,且飛機與太陽能板也必須依據這些地區的日照進行設計。

雖然目前仍面臨許多技術及法令的問題,但 Facebook 計畫在明年至少讓一架無人飛機升空測試。

Facebook drones the size of jumbo jets to soar 17 miles up

Facebook will create thousands of drones the size of jumbo jets which will fly 17 miles above the Earth to provide wireless internet access to the four billion people currently unable to get online.

The social network announced in March that it was in negotiations to buy drone maker Titan Aerospace, which was subsequently snapped-up by Google. Now it seems that the company is developing its own drones instead.

Today, only 2.7 billion people – just over one-third of the world's population – have access to the internet, according to Facebook. The social networking company is one of the main backers of the internet.org project which aims to connect the large parts of the world which remain offline.

Initially it was thought that Facebook would create around 11,000 smaller drones with the help of Titan Aerospace. But a senior engineer has now revealed that the company’s plan B is far more ambitious even than that.
"We're going to have to push the edge of solar technology, battery technology, composite technology," said Yael Maguire, the leader of Facebook's new Connectivity Lab, during a panel session at the Social Good Summit in New York this week. "There are a whole bunch of challenges."

To fly for months and years at a time the drones will need to rise above the weather, flying at between 60,000 and 90,000 feet – around 17 miles above the ground.

Flying this high will solve problems associated with weather, but could throw up new legislative ones. Above 60,000 feet there are essentially no regulations on aircraft – commercial airlines routinely fly at around half of that altitude. Rules regarding satellites will “play a very useful role”, said Maguire, but the company will also have to “help pave new ground”.
Regulations regarding human operators will also need to be adjusted if the company’s plans are to be a success. Currently one person must be in control of an aircraft at all times, but Facebook hopes to change legislation so that one person can control ten or even a hundred partially-automated aircraft.

"We can't have one person per plane if we want to figure out how to connect the world,” said Maguire.

The aircraft will be “roughly the size of a commercial aircraft, like a 747” said Maguire, but they will be far, far lighter. One prototype currently being worked on is about the length of seven cars, but weighs the same as just four car tyres.

The planes will be tested at some point next year, somewhere in the US, and the company hopes to have them working and in operation over developing countries within three to five years. It has already chosen 21 locations around the world where it would like to deploy them, in Latin America, Asia and Africa, and is looking for charities to run the equipment once it is manufactured.
Google is also working on similar technology to Facebook, having bought drone manufacturer Titan Aerospace earlier this year. The company creates solar-powered drones which can fly for several years at a time.

A Google spokesperson said at the time of the takeover: "It’s still early days, but atmospheric satellites could help bring internet access to millions of people, and help solve other problems, including disaster relief and environmental damage like deforestation. "
The search giant also launched Project Loon in 2013 which is investigating the use of high-altitude weather balloons which can transmit internet signals to the ground for the same purpose.

Solar Impulse 2: Solar-Powered Plane to Fly 25 Days Continuously Around Globe

An enormous solar powered plane wider than a Boeing 747 jumbo jet will become the first of its kind to circumnavigate the globe without fuel when it takes off from Abu Dhabi next year.

The Swiss-made Solar Impulse 2 has 17,000 solar panels spread across a wingspan of 72m - four metres wider than a 747, which has a wingspan of 68m.

Pilots Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg, who are also co-founders of firm Solar Impulse, will take it in turn to fly the plane, which would become the first aircraft to fly day and night without fuel or emissions.

The flight, which will depart from Abu Dhabi in March 2015 and has attracted the support of Richard Branson, aims to complete 25 flying-days around the globe before finally descending and touching down four months and 35,000km later in Abu Dhabi in July.

The single-seater airplane will fly over the Arabian Sea, India, Myanmar, China, the Pacific Ocean, the United States, the Atlantic Ocean and southern Europe or North Africa, it was announced on Thursday in New York.

Flights over the vast oceans of the Pacific and Atlantic will last five to six days, achieved by Solar Impulse 2's usage of solar power.

Piccard and Borschberg will have access to six oxygen bottles, a parachute, a life raft and food and water rations.

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2014年9月26日 星期五

Yahoo 收購行動團隊為廣告流量佈局( Yahoo, Marissa Mayer, Next Acquisitions For Mobile Revenue And Business )

Yahoo Makes One of Its Biggest Acquisitions Under Marissa Mayer: Flurry
Yahoo has agreed to buy Flurry, a mobile app analytic service, the two companies announced late Monday. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but an earlier report in Re/code said the price tag would likely be in the "hundreds of millions" of dollars. If true, that would make this one of Yahoo's biggest acquisitions under CEO Marissa Mayer.

Flurry was founded in 2005 and works with developers and marketers to "optimize the mobile experience through better apps and more personalized ads." It has received more than $60 million in funding to date and works with more than 500,000 apps.

"Our combined offerings will enable more effective mobile advertising solutions for brands seeking to reach their audiences and gain unique insights across desktop and mobile," Scott Burke, SVP of advertising technology at Yahoo, wrote in a post announcing the deal. "Our users will benefit from app experiences that are more personalized and inspiring."

Flurry will continue to operate as a standalone service with Yahoo's backing.

"We have accomplished a lot on our own, but joined with Yahoo we are in an even better position to achieve our goals," Simon Khalaf, CEO of Flurry, wrote in a separate post.

Since Mayer took over as CEO of Yahoo two years ago, the company has acquired 40 startups, many of which were acqui-hires to help Yahoo bolster its mobile products. Flurry's app data and business relationships could help as Yahoo plays catch up in the mobile and marketing spaces.Yahoo stock was essentially flat in after hours trading following the reports.

Yahoo收購行動團隊發酵,在台推出桌面管理 App「Yahoo Aviate」

Yahoo執行長梅爾的行動收購清單成果開始浮現,被收購的 Summly 先前推出 Yahoo News Digest iPad 版。1月被 Yahoo 收購的 Aviate 團隊,6月在Google Play推出桌面管理應用程式Yahoo Aviate App,24日同時推出繁體、簡體中文版,共計推出14種語言。Yahoo Aviate 與 Yahoo 實驗室的資料學家合作,發現Android手機使用者平均安裝下載95個App,每天使用到的App卻不到35個,於是推出強調簡潔及智慧的Aviate。

Aviate共同創辦人、Yahoo行動部門Aviate研發主管崔威廉(William Choi)指出,「Android的體驗更聰明俐落,市面上產品並沒有特別著重在簡潔和智慧兩大功能的行動產品,行動裝置橫跨Android和iOS系統,智慧型手機的生態系統已經變得愈來愈複雜,希望讓使用者更輕鬆、簡單得到資訊。」





Aviate App的下載量,崔威廉指出不方便透露,只說自6月份推出,每日平均使用者多1倍,來自全球的使用者占50%。目前只提供Android版本,他解釋,由於不同作業系統提供給使用者的經驗不相同。

至於Aviate和Google Now的差別,崔威廉坦言,跟預測相關的功能,確實跟Google Now有重疊之處。不過,Aviate聚焦在主畫面,強調使用者每天生活的習慣,希望帶給使用者驚奇的體驗,把天氣、運動、財經、新聞等等融入至App中。例如,當你出現在餐廳時,在對的時刻把資訊傳送給你,推送菜單及推薦的餐點,或是呈現工作地點附近的餐廳選項。... 持續閱讀

狄阿洛伊西歐17歲創了新閱讀服務 Summly,18歲他主導雅虎關鍵行動產品

17歲的 Summly 創業家,變身雅虎行動團隊產品經理!年僅17歲的狄阿洛伊西歐( Nick D’Aloisio )所創辦的Summly在2013年被雅虎以3000萬美元收購,隨後他加入雅虎團隊當行動團隊產品經理。2014年1月狄阿洛伊西歐發表從 Summly 演算法延伸的行動新產品 Yahoo News Digest ,每天推出8-10則讀者必讀的晨間及晚間新聞,每則新聞只有兩段摘要。

狄阿洛伊西歐在12日正式推出Yahoo News Digest的iPad版本,除了可以自由選擇何時收到晨間及晚間新聞,用七色彩虹作為介面元素,由左到右快速瀏覽,畫面更加簡單、流暢,並強調視覺化體驗,在文章中結合圖片、影片、地圖等資訊,讓使用者全螢幕觀看。最特別的是,美國CBS晚間新聞主播及總編輯凱蒂‧庫瑞克(Katie Couric)自從2013年加入Yahoo新聞團隊當雅虎全球主播,接下來每週日都會替觀眾回顧當週最重要的新聞,影片片段也將在iPad版本看得到。

之前只推出Android版本,iOS版本在6月時贏得蘋果設計大獎。目前,Yahoo News Digest的使用者中,每日活躍用戶是40%,每月活躍用戶超過60%。


問:Summly和News Digest最大的差別在哪裡?
答:Summly蠻簡單的,我才花18個月就完成它,它可以為文章取出摘要,是個美麗的產品,也得到2012年的蘋果直覺觸控最佳App獎,它是專為長文或研究所設計的App。Yahoo News Digest沿用Summly的摘要功能,但它設計成每天提供兩次新聞摘要,為讀者精選必讀的新聞,介面設計更加直覺,又加上更多視覺化的元素進去。

問:Yahoo News Digest未來可以應用的領域?
答:蘋果才剛發布iWatch,我們也跟蘋果一起合作幾週,設計適合iWatch的Yahoo News Digest,現在蘋果的手錶已經有的Yahoo News Digest的圖示。我們對於穿戴式裝置上的運算非常興奮,因為我們也許可以把新聞摘要弄得更簡短,讓它適合更小的螢幕,除了穿戴式手錶之外,未來在一般的穿戴式裝置也有很多應用的機會。

答:新聞App其實利用傳統紙本媒體的特性,一般的新聞App設計得不好,所有資訊進來不斷推到畫面最下方,雖然嘗試讓資訊更加個人化,但這種方式讓資訊變得不精準和無用。Yahoo News Digest其實比較像報紙,我們有焦點新聞,像傳統媒體一樣,每日為使用者推出兩次精選新聞,我們讓新聞App可以更加清楚,使用更單純。我們是用數位報紙的方式看待Yahoo News Digest,提供精選的資訊和視覺呈現,同時我們提供摘要,它是專門為數位而設計。... 持續閱讀

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