
appleinsider.com報導,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)分析師Katy Huberty 25日表示,來自亞洲供應商的消息顯示,蘋果(Apple Inc.)正在打造一款智慧電視(Smart TV)原型機。
Huberty認為Smart TV將可整合影像內容、遊戲、DVR、應用程式、FaceTime視訊通話功能於一體,有望成為蘋果的新產品類別。Piper Jaffray分析師Gene Munster在去年8月即指出,蘋果預料將在未來2-4年內跨入支援網路功能的高解析度電視(HDTV)市場。他預估2012年蘋果可望賣出140萬台支援網際網路的電視機。
Crunch Gear 1月20日報導,蘋果主管1月18日在電話會議上宣布三筆總值的39億美元神秘零組件採購合約很可能是要鞏固液晶面板貨源。三星電子(Samsung Electronics)是目前智慧電視(具備上網功能)市場的主要品牌廠商,今年銷售目標為逾1,200萬台。三星並且在開發適用於手機和電視機的單一作業系統平台,以期吸引更多軟體開發商為三星產品開發應用程式。
三星甫於3月24日宣布,旗下行動裝置/智慧電視應用程式商店(Samsung Apps)自2010年6月開張(首款適用機種為Samsung Wave GT-S8500)以來累計下載次數已達1億次;目前總計有超過13,000款軟體可供下載,較開幕當天暴增6倍。
科技研調機構ABI Research曾發布報告指出,內建乙太網路(Ethernet)功能的薄型電視其出貨比重將由2010年的19%跳升至2013年的46%。ABI分析師Michael Inouye當時即指出,網路電視機(Internet TV)背後蘊藏的廣告商機將是電視製造商極力爭取的大餅。
宏碁與美國最大電信業者AT&T昨(23)日共同宣布,雙方再度合作推出第四代行動通訊(4G)平板電腦,新品名稱為「Iconia Tab A501」,會在第二季AT&T的4G網路開通時同步上市。
另一方面,AT&T日前收購T-Mobile USA,擠下Verizon ,躍居全美最大的電信公司。AT&T與Verizon 先後找上宏碁合作推出4G平板,凸顯雙方的戰火已經延伸到下一世代的4G網路。
宏碁與AT&T合作推出的4G平板電腦「Iconia Tab A501」 ,配備10.1吋螢幕,搭載Google Android 3.0作業系統、和英偉達(Nvidia)的Tegra 250雙核心處理器。
此款平板電腦最大特色是可透過連接埠,將高畫質影片傳到電視機上播放,並內建第四代無線網路傳輸介面(4G) LTE ,產品將配合AT&T的4G網路第二季開通時同步上市,目前售價未訂。
在此之前,今年元月在賭城登場的CES 消費性電子展上,宏碁也宣布和美國另一電信巨擘Verizon 合作,推出首款內建LTE 4G無線傳輸功能的平板電腦ICONIA Tab A500。
宏碁代號「Picasso」(畢卡索)的首款Android 3.0平板電腦預計本月底前推出,目前正緊鑼密鼓籌備。由於需求超乎預期,加上供應鏈吃緊,宏碁全球資深副總裁林顯郎日前表示,首批貨已經不夠分,全球各地區搶貨激烈。
美國電信業者威瑞森(Verizon Wireless)攜手摩托羅拉(Motorola)於2009年第4季推出Droid,強力拉抬Android智慧型手機聲勢,至2010年全球電信業者紛紛攜手宏達電、摩托羅拉、三星電子(Samsung)等業者競相推出高階智慧型手機,作為吸引用戶申辦行動數據服務的利器,使Android手機出貨急速成長,2010全年出貨規模已名列第2大智慧型手機平台。
有別於高階Android手機市場的競爭日趨白熱化,低價Android手機市場才正起步,市場需求開發度甚低。全球眾家手機晶片業者看好低價Android手機市場需求即將循高階機種的成長軌跡在未來幾年快速攀升,皆規畫與布局低價Android手機用處理器市場,欲藉由公板解決方案(Turnkey Solution)進軍低階市場大餅。
其中,國際晶片大廠如高通(Qualcomm)、意法易立信(ST-Ericsson)、博通(Broadcom)、德儀(TI)與邁威爾(Marvell)等業者已於2010年底開始競推低價Android公板解決方案。DIGITIMES Research認為在低價公板解決方案的推波助瀾下,低價Android手機的出貨將在2011年便會有爆發性成長。
1. 宏達電執行長周永明表示,自03/11/2011起,即積極與日本供應商聯繫、了解零組件供應狀況,日本強震對03/2011、04/2011出貨狀況均無影響,此外,就2011年smartphone出貨量而言,1Q11狀況優於公司預期,而且,預估出貨量將逐季增加,一季比一季好。
2. IBTSIC預估,1Q11宏達電的smartphone將出貨936萬支,QoQ+2.50%,2Q11將出貨1,027萬支,QoQ+9.78%。
3. IBTSIC預估,2011年全球smartphone將出貨3.98億支,YoY+46.02%,其中,Android為成長幅度最大的作業系統。2010年Android作業系統對smartphone的滲透率為22.66%,隨著宏達電、Samsung等smartphone品牌廠的產品持續熱銷,預估2011年將提高到34.59%,預估2011年Android作業系統的smartphone將出貨1.38億支,YoY+122.87%。
4. 展望2011年,預估宏達電在北美、歐洲地區的滲透率將持續提高,在澳洲、韓國、印度、中國等地拓展新客源的成效也將顯現。
5. Android機種銷售狀況優於IBTSIC先前預期,IBSTIC上調對宏達電2011年的業績預估,預估2011年smartphone將出貨4,956萬支,YoY+101.22%,預估2011年合併營收5,166.10億元,YoY+85.32%,稅後淨利670.49億元,YoY+69.59%,稅後EPS 82.00元。
6. 預估1Q11合併營收1,030.55億元,QoQ-0.91%,稅後淨利134.40億元,QoQ-9.19%,稅後EPS 16.44元。預估2Q11合併營收1,073.32億元,QoQ+4.15%,稅後淨利136.86億元,QoQ+0.47%,稅後EPS 16.74元。
The Asia-Pacific (AP) smartphone market will double in size by 2016 to hit shipments of 200 million, according to the latest forecast of technology research firm Ovum.
Globally, Ovum said the market will hit 653 million shipments, accounting for the 30% of shipments derived from the Asia-Pacific market.
It added that Android will drive the growth and will emerge as the dominant platform, dramatically outperforming Apple with a massive 20% lead on market share.
Smartphones will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 12.5% between 2010 and 2016 and will account for approximately 32% of the mobile phone market in the Asia-Pacific alone.
"The smartphone market will see significant growth over the next five years, once again outperforming the wider mobile phone market," Ovum principal analyst Adam Leach said.
"We will see dramatic shifts in dominance for smartphone software platforms, with Android storming into the lead with 38.7% market share, compared to Apple iOS’ 19%, by 2016 in AP alone," he added.
Mr. Leach added that the success of the Android platform is being driven by the sheer number of hardware vendors supporting it at both the high and low ends of the market.
According to Ovum’s forecast, just behind Apple iOS will be Windows Phone, with 22.6% market share by 2016, followed by BlackBerry OS, with 9.2%.
“We expect at least one other platform to achieve mainstream success within the forecast period. This could be an existing player in the market such as Bada, WebOS, or MeeGo, or it could be a new entrant to the market place," said Mr. Leach.
He said the partnership between Nokia and Microsoft has redrawn the smartphone market and will result in a significant reduction in shipments of Symbian-based handsets as Nokia transitions to Windows Phone as its primary smartphone platform.
However, Nokia still expects to ship 76 million Symbian-based handsets so there will be shipments beyond 2012 and in some regions into 2016.
"For Microsoft the deal provides a committed handset partner that has the potential to make Windows Phone a mainstream smartphone platform. The risk to Microsoft is that other handset makers may choose not to compete with Nokia and may turn their backs on Windows Phone," Mr. Leach said.
Ovum is the ICT advisory brand of the Datamonitor Group, with a 25 year history of advising both enterprises and their suppliers on the business value of ICT.For inquiries on Ovum, please contact Tanisha Kuckreja at tanisha.kuckreja@ovum.com.