2013年1月29日 星期二


費率逐年調0.5% 勞保費將連漲23年


     明年起 保費月調19至44元





     企業負擔 將增數百億元




     投保薪資上限 不會調整



台灣勞團五大訴求中, 講的不清楚,政府過去 25年 軍公教退休俸累計調高了 246%,從未調高對勞保費政府支出之提升,現在每年補上 1000億支持勞保也很合理,因為過去 25年 政府自勞工抽到之綜所稅總合超過6兆,過去 25年政府支出給勞保及就業補助低於 1.25兆,既使每年補上 1000億連續20年,也不過兩兆,為什麼政府不願意提高政府支出給勞保呢?政府不能一再欺騙及苛待勞工,說政府沒錢,18% 加上 13% 及年終慰問金就超過1000億,為什麼政府又變的有錢了?
  • 明明勞工每年總綜所稅 3000億,政府每年支出給勞保及就業補助只有 685億,勞工支出根本不是政府負債,反而,是幫政府生財的,勞工卻落到一再被政府蹧蹋;
  • 明明勞保基金每年勞保費總收入是 2342億,勞保給付總支出 1448億 每年還有營餘 867億,怎可能會倒? 潛藏債務怎麼算出來的?  如果,按照勞保每年有營餘去推算,15年來,至少,政府未補虧損之勞保基金金額極可能超過上兆,政府為什麼不補虧損呢?
所以,台灣勞工要求政府支出給勞保補助須提高,每年增加補助 800億 ~ 1000億去補過去虧損是合理的,因為勞保虧損不是勞工多領造成的,勞保新制根本沒有多少人領到勞退給付月退,而是許多虧損未補;政府失職造成之虧損當然政府要賠

勞保年金改革 立委盼提高最高投保薪資







  • 馬總統怎麼會把勞保漲價、勞保基金虧損不補看成改革! 政府失職造成之虧損當然政府要賠;更何況虧損又不是勞工造成勞保局又支出許多非勞退勞工社會福利,根本搞不清楚勞保基金被挪用多少資金,馬總統知不知道這事情突顯馬總統不重視勞工社會!政府沒有增加支出給勞工退休福利占歲出之比率是可以證明馬總統不重視勞工!
  • 馬英九拼瘦肉精、拼證所稅、拼油電漲價、拼共體時艱而軍公教薪資漲3%導致人民恨死馬英九,現在,勞保漲價、勞保基金虧損不補,不只人民恨死馬英九,勞工更是痛恨馬英九全家人;馬總統真是很糟糕很爛,政府腐敗泛濫,知道有問題也不改進,卻讓全民來共體時艱、先砍勞工勞保福利,我列下一年耗盡國家財源初估超過3000億:
  • 歐美國家超過25%之稅收支出是給勞工,單單勞工失業補助就占13%以上之稅出;而台灣政府歲出給勞保及就業補助才3.08%,怎麼可以把勞保漲價、勞保基金虧損不補看成改革!真是坑殺勞工!
  • 立委盼提高最高投保薪資是合理的,政府也應該逐步調高政府支出勞保補助比重,因為 25年來政府累計調高公務員退休俸 246%,政府也應該逐步調高政府支出勞保補助比重至20% ~ 25%,讓政府支出給勞工退休福利占歲出 10%,讓台灣勞工能真正感受繳稅應得之福利;
  • 至於,雇主與勞工提撥之勞工退休金,我建議應該由勞工自已來管理,政府管理勞保已經虧損累累又失職不補,根本沒人相信政府管理勞工退休金是很安全的;
  • 以稅收分配來看,每年台灣政府歲出給勞保及就業補助3.08%是不合理的,還讓勞保去支出許多非退休之勞工社會福利,全世界沒有一個民主國家是這樣對待勞工的,過去勞工不知道被騙了,今日還有誰相信政府呢?
  • 全產總表示,綜觀行政院改革方案的內容仍然是對年輕人最不利,要繳交高出2倍的費率,但領到的給付卻縮水了近百萬,未來保費調高雇主必然轉嫁給勞工負擔,年輕人不但要負擔龐大歷史債務,低薪潮很可能因為雇主轉嫁保費負擔而持續到125年。全產總不敢講的一句話:政府失職挪用於非退休及老年給付造成之虧損竟要勞工調高繳費來補,這就是改革真相!
  • 勞保及勞工退休金資產本來就是勞工的,政府管理勞保虧損嚴重,早期勞保虧損過3兆未曾補足過,實在沒有資格再來管理勞工的退休資產,為什麼勞工退休資產反被政府代管,而代管失職虧損還可以不補,在國際法上顯然是不合理的?又不是勞工用掉的,怎能不補?
  • 真正害勞保是『勞工保險條例第2條規定, 普通事故保險包含生育、傷病、失能、老年及死亡五種給付應由勞工繳的綜所稅來支出』。2012 勞工繳的綜所稅約 2900億, 而政府支出給勞保及就業補助才 685億, 普通事故保險包含生育、傷病、失能、老年及死亡五種給付應由勞工繳的綜所稅來支出, 不應該由勞工保險來支出。勞委會公務員定的法規是壓榨勞工,造成政府支出給勞工福利過低主因。這規定未經全體勞工同意
  • 勞保支出不應含生育給付、傷病給付、失能給付、職災醫療給付、預防職業病健康檢查之支出,那應該由勞工繳的綜所稅去支付。
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2013年1月28日 星期一

Smart Phone 的成長看,全球智能手機將進入成熟期, Apple Inc., 應有的策略是什麼? ( Smart phone will go into mature market, what is the needed strategy for Apple Inc.,? )

Actually, The US Smartphone Revolution Has Entered The Late Innings

To listen to some mobile industry executives and investors tell it, you would think the smartphone revolution was just beginning.
In the United States, however--one of the more mature smartphone markets--we're actually already entering the later innings.

Specifically, smartphone penetration in the U.S. has reached the point where market growth will begin to slow rapidly. And in a few more years, the U.S. market will be almost fully penetrated. 具體而言,在美國的智能手機普及率已經達到那市場的快速增長將開始放緩的地步。而在未來幾年中,美國市場將幾乎完全滲透。

The maturing of the U.S. smartphone market, combined with the less-attractive financial demographics of future new users (most affluent Americans already have a smartphone), mean that the growth rate of the U.S. smartphone ecosystem--gadgets, apps, ads, mobile commerce, and mobile web usage--will also likely slow over the next few years.

Executives and investors who still regard the U.S. smartphone revolution as being in its early stages, therefore, should take heed. The U.S. Smartphone Market Is Already More Than Halfway Penetrated

Recent data suggest that the U.S. smartphone market is already more than halfway penetrated. This is important, because the growth rate of most technology markets tends to slow rapidly once the halfway point has been reached. 最近的數據表明,在美國智能手機市場已經滲透超過一半。這是很重要的,因為,當一半中間點市場已達到時,大多數技術市場的增長速度趨於緩慢的。

Let's put some numbers on this.

There are approximately 310 million people in the United States.

  • Of these people, approximately 250 million are over the age of 14.
  • According to Comscore, about 235 million of these Americans use mobile devices. 根據Comscore的調查,約235萬美元,這些美國人使用移動設備.
  • It seems likely that almost all of these folks will eventually have smartphones. 這很可能是幾乎所有這些人最終將擁有智能手機。
  • This creates a "total addressable market" for smartphones of about 225 million people in the U.S. 這將創建一個“總共可達成的市場”,約225萬人在美國智能手機
  • Several recent data points suggest that this market opportunity is at least halfway penetrated.
  • Comscore says 114 million Americans used smartphones in July, 2012. Comscore的調查說,有1.14億美國人使用智能手機在7月,2012年.

Flurry reports that there are at least 165 million active Android and Apple iOS devices in the U.S. and that they are used by 78% of the adult population (age 15-64).Nielsen reported that two-thirds of of handsets sold in Q2 2012 were smartphones and that the market is now 55% penetrated (see chart below)

The vast majority of the primary smartphone market, U.S. adults between 18-54, already have smartphones. The demographics of those who don't yet have smartphones, meanwhile, are older Americans and those who make less than $50,000 per year.No matter which of these numbers you use, the conclusion is that the U.S. smartphone market is now more than 50% penetrated.

So if the U.S. smartphone market is already more than 50% penetrated, what does this mean for the future growth of U.S. smartphone sales--as well as app sales, advertising sales, game sales, and all the other sales that depend on smartphone growth?

How about the rest of the world?

The good news for those banking on a global smartphone revolution is that the U.S. is one of the world's more mature smartphone markets. There are an estimated 6 billion mobile handsets in the world, and only about 1/5th of them are smartphones. Over the next several years, most of these handsets will be replaced by smartphones. 全球智能手機革命的好消息是,美國是世界上比較成熟的智能手機市場。估計有60億的手機在世界上,只有約五分之一的智能手機。在未來的幾年中,這些手機將被智能手機取代。
In terms of the developed world, U.S. smartphone penetration is in the middle of the pack. (These numbers are from Flurry Analytics, which shows higher smartphone penetration in the U.S. than Comscore does.)

Some of the world's biggest markets, however--China, India, and Brazil, for example--are still less penetrated. These are poorer countries than the first-world countries above, but they should still see explosive growth in the years ahead. 一些世界上最大的市場,但是 - 例如中國,印度,巴西, - 仍然是滲透率較低。這些貧窮國家的比上述第一世界國家,但他們仍然應該看到在未來幾年的爆炸式增長。

So, globally, the smartphone market still appears to be in the "early majority" phase. And the number of new smartphone users will likely continue to increase each year for at least a couple of more years. 因此,在全球範圍內,智能手機市場仍出現在“早期”的階段。新的智能手機用戶的數量可能會繼續增加,每年至少2~3年以上。

Qualcomm: A Hand in Everything

Qualcomm (NASDAQ: QCOM) has a lot of potential as a long-term tech play, as it has solidified its position in the epicenter of the smartphone and tablet industries. The wireless chip manufacturer and patent licensor has recently shattered analysts' earning expectations, earning $1.45 Billion for the quarter on $3.88 Billion of revenue. The company is projecting revenue to be an impressive $14.7 Billion for 2011 and has a positive outlook for 2012. Qualcomm’s stock is up 28% this year to $58.10 per share and expect it to continue rising given the company’s wireless chip market share coupled with steady growth in the smartphone and tablet industries.

Smartphone sales are expected to surpass PC sales in 2011. Combine that with the explosive growth of the tablet market and the company’s potential seems limitless.  Qualcomm’s chips are in over half of all Android phones, the Verizon iPhone and iPad 2, the new line of HTC smartphones, and will be in all Nokia-Windows Phone 7 smartphones among others. According to Craig Berger of FBR Capital Markets, Qualcomm will supply one-third of all cellular baseband modem chips in 2011.

Delving into Qualcomm’s fundamentals, the company has a Jamie Dimon “Fortress” balance sheet with over $22 Billion in cash and marketable securities and only $8.8 Billion in total liabilities.  If that alone isn’t enough to comfort investors, the firm increased its quarterly dividend to $0.21 and is continuing its share buyback program. Qualcomm has also been acquiring companies to diversify and vertically integrate—most recently, Qualcomm acquired Atheros Communications Inc. for $3.2 Billion to expand their WiFi presence in early 2011.

Qualcomm has also been gaining traction in the Asian markets, as there are now over 100 million CMDA subscribers in India and China. Earlier this year, India released ten new smartphones utilizing Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chipsets.

It is important to acknowledge that the current state of Japan poses a risk to the firm as the country is a major manufacturer of electronic components. That being said, the uncertainty of Qualcomm’s suppliers in Japan has been accounted for in the firms’ 2011 forecast. The head of Qualcomm’s chipset business feels the situation in Japan won’t significantly affect Qualcomm’s ability to meet consumers’ demands.

Qualcomm even released a free augmented reality (AR) development platform for Android smartphones– a category of applications that this blog frequently covers. Why would Qualcomm offer a free augmented reality development platform? Well, aside from promoting and encouraging innovation, running these cutting edge applications requires a great deal of processing power, and Qualcomm’s chip sets are no tortoise.

All in all, Qualcomm has its finger on the pulse of the smartphone/tablet market, and, through its extensive patent portfolio, has woven itself into the threads of the industry. I expect Qualcomm to continue to outperform the market as we have only scratched the surface of the mobile computing revolution, so keep your eye on QCOM as the industry evolves.

智慧型手機銷量 去年狂飆



IDC說,南韓三星電子公司(Samsung)主導智慧型手機以及整體手機市場。三星吃下智慧型手機29%的市占率,超過蘋果公司(Apple)的21.8%。在整體手機市場方面,三星占23%,諾基亞公司(Nokia Corp.)則是17.9%。


華為銷量占智慧型手機市場4.9%,排名第3;中興通訊以4.3%排名第5,落後日本索尼(Sony)的4.5%。IDC分析師亞馬斯(Ramon Llamas)說:「看到華為和中興通訊擠進前5,代表全球市場發生明顯轉變。」

策略分析公司(Strategy Analytics)表示,他們進行的調查也顯示,全球智慧型手機出貨量增加43%,達到7億支。三星市占率超過30%。




其中,三星電子(Samsung Electronics)共拿下29.1%g市佔率,穩居全球智慧型手機第1品牌,蘋果則拿下21.8%市佔緊追其後,加總前兩大品牌廠便拿下了超過一半以上的市場大餅;其後,華為、索尼行動通訊(Sony Mobile Communications)、中興通訊,則分別以4.9%、4.5%、4.3%市佔率,分居智慧型手機出貨第3到第5大品牌。值得注意的是,隨著大陸本土品牌商華為、中興通訊雙雙擠進前5大智慧型手機品牌之列,顯示全球中低價智慧型手機趨勢成形。

Ericsson Mobility Report Shows Rapid Smartphone Uptake and Doubling of Mobile Data Traffic

  • Approximately 40 percent of all phones sold in Q3 2012 were smartphones and the growth of smartphone data traffic is expected to exceed the overall average . 2012年第3季度銷售的所有手機中,大約有40%的智能手機和智能手機數據流量的增長預計將超過整體平均成長。
  • Mobile data traffic doubled between Q3 2011 and Q3 2012, and is expected to grow 12 times between 2012 and 2018, driven mainly by video. 移動數據流量在2011年第三季度和2012年第三季度增加了一倍,並預計將增長12倍,在2012年和2018年之間,主要由視訊服務所驅動。
  • Total mobile subscriptions are expected to reach 6.6 billion in 2012 and 9.3 billion in 2018. 移動電話用戶總數預計在2018年達到66億,2012年將為93億.
  • There were an additional 13 million LTE subscriptions in Q3 2012, and numbers are predicted to reach 1.6 billion by 2018.  2012年第3季度有將近的1300萬LTE用戶和到2018年,預計將達到16億用戶。

The latest Ericsson (NASDAQ:ERIC) Mobility Report, formerly known as the Ericsson Traffic and Market Report, reveals that approximately 40 percent of all phones sold in Q3 were smartphones. Data traffic doubled between Q3 2011 and Q3 2012, and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 50 percent between 2012 and 2018, driven mainly by video.

Ericsson's research shows that online video is the biggest contributor to mobile traffic volumes, constituting 25 percent of total smartphone traffic and 40 percent of total tablet traffic. This puts new requirements on networks to cater for quality anywhere and anytime.

Douglas Gilstrap, Senior Vice President and Head of Strategy at Ericsson, says: "Expectations of mobile-network quality have been elevated by the availability of smartphones and tablets that have changed the way we use the internet. Mobility is becoming an increasingly significant part of our daily lives; we always have devices within arm's reach, allowing us instant access to information, entertainment and social interaction."

Total mobile subscriptions are expected to reach 6.6 billion by the end of 2012 and 9.3 billion by the end of 2018. These figures do not include machine-to-machine (M2M) subscriptions. China alone accounted for about 35 percent of net additions during Q3, with about 40 million additional subscriptions. Brazil (9 million), Indonesia (7 million), and the Philippines (5 million) followed in terms of net additions. Overall, global mobile penetration reached 91 percent in Q3 2012, and mobile subscriptions now total around 6.4 billion. Mobile subscriptions have grown by around 9 percent year-on-year and 2 percent quarter-on-quarter.

By mid-2012, LTE coverage was provided for an estimated 455 million people globally. Within five years, more than half the world's population is expected to benefit from to LTE coverage.

LTE is the fastest-developing system in the history of mobile communications in terms of buildout and uptake. LTE is currently being deployed and built out in all regions, and total subscriptions will increase from around 55 million at the end of 2012 to an estimated 1.6 billion in 2018. WCDMA/HSPA networks currently provide coverage to more than half the world's population and continue to grow faster than LTE in terms of absolute numbers, adding 65 million subscriptions in Q3 2012 compared with 13 million for LTE.

  • 智慧型手機在已開發國家進入成熟市場,新興國家進入成長市場,未來低價高功能智慧型手機將是主流,成熟市場轉入大螢幕高功能智慧型手機替代;
  • 再幾年,全球智慧型手機都將進入成熟市場,策略很重要;
  • Qualcomm 加速 LTE 及平板晶片是對的策略,致少要比 Intel 及其他晶片公司速度快才能贏;
  • Apple Inc., 顯然沒有抓住大螢幕高功能智慧型手機、及低價高功能智慧型手機這兩個主成長方塊,讓 Samsung、華為、ZTE 搶走市場;
  • 台廠智慧型手機應該是走大尺寸屏幕介於 Tablet 及 Smart Phone 區塊會較佳,這區塊稱 Phablet ,也是所有 NB 品牌廠較能著墨的,行銷上不能只是降價競爭。
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2013年1月27日 星期日

Wifi 802.11 ac Gbits 最新機會與競爭 ( 802.11 ac opportunities and competition )


appleinsider.com報導,JP摩根證券分析師Mike Moskowitz 14日發表研究報告指出,PC銷售之所以下滑是因為廠商將重心擺在「降價」,而不是「技術提升」。Moskowitz認為PC廠商的Ultrabook很難複製蘋果(Apple Inc.)MacBook Air(MBA)的成功經驗,但今年下半年問世的第二代產品(價格下滑、內建Windows 8作業系統)將有機會創造出優於第1代的成績。

Moskowitz指出,蘋果MBA在截至2011年第3季為止的3年期間平均複合年增率(CAGR)為69.3%。相較之下,同一時間整體筆記型電腦產業的CAGR僅有15.8%。barrons.com報導,JP摩根預期今年下半年起Ultrabook/notebook市場就會看到 802.11ac WiFi 蹤跡,技術領導廠商博通(Broadcom)將會是主要受惠者。此外,博通在可預見的未來仍將蘋果MacBook Air的主要無線晶片(WiFi、藍牙、FM radio)供應商。

基於Ultrabooks買家大多傾向採用固態硬碟(SSD),JP摩根預期包括LSI、Marvell Technology、美光(Micron Technology)以及SanDisk將成為此一趨勢的受惠族群。

Western Digital 推出 802.11ac 無線路由器,採用平行陣列天線設計

提起 Western Digital ,大家的第一印象肯定是其所造的硬碟;不過 Western Digital 也想在無線路由器市場挖一把金,在今年 6 月份的時候就已經進入了,在前期基礎上,這次又推出了 My Net AC1300 和 My Net AC Bridge 兩款產品。我們先來看看 AC1300,這款路由器支持 802.11ac Wi-Fi ,採用獨特的 3×3 平行陣列天線設計,無線連線速度可以達到 1.3Gbps。

在接口方面,擁有四個 Gigabit Ethernet 埠,以及兩個 USB2.0 介面,可以方便地添加外部存儲硬碟或者共用印表機和掃描器等。另外,它還能自動提升那些需要大流量的娛樂服務的優先順序別,如Netflix、YouTube 或線上遊戲等。AC1300 的價格是 US$190,而 My Net AC Bridge 的價格是 US$150,後者可以同時橋接 4 個設備,如智慧型電視,遊戲機,藍光光碟播放機和媒體播放機等,實現 Wi-Fi 無線高速訪問。對無線連線速度有要求的朋友,可以稍微留意下這兩款產品的當地價格。

無線視訊傳輸技術大戰 誰將出線?

Miracast 展示了一種將個人多媒體檔案(或者說是透過行動裝置隨時可取得的網路內容)投影至大螢幕電視的途徑,完全繞過了廣播業者或其他服務業者所建立的人為限制──這些業者通常偏好將透過網際網路提供的內容圍在高牆裡。

市場研究機構IHS資深分析師Brian O'Rourke表示,Miracast其實就是Wi-Fi Display,是一種讓Wi-Fi晶片擁有點對點(peer-to-peer)連結功能的軟體層;雖然Miracast與傳統的Wi-Fi一對多架構不同,仍是由Wi-Fi Alliance負責其標準的建立與維護。Miracast的特性就是具備能將任何小尺寸螢幕上所播放的內容,映射至較大尺寸螢幕上。

除了Miracast,另一種無線技術UltraGig 也試圖與之互別苗頭。UltraGig 是晶片廠商晶鐌(Silicon Image)正在推廣的一種專利60GHz技術,該公司的60GHz無線技術是來自2011年收購的SiBeam;後來 Silicon Image賦予了最早是由SiBeam所開發的WirelessHD技術一個新名稱,就是UltraGig。

讓我們來複習一下:WirelessHD 是頻寬最高的無線視訊傳輸解決方案,目前已可商業化量產;O'Rourke表示,該技術針對未壓縮1,080p視訊傳輸最佳化,因此應該不會有封包遺失或採用MPEG等壓縮格式後所產生的人為問題。

Miracast 與UltraGig 在CES都透過在客廳使用智慧型手機的情境,展示了類似的點對點無線連結功能。包括聯發科(MediaTek)、Nvidia與博通(Broadcom)等多家晶片廠商都在CES上推銷Miracast技術,Silicon Image副總裁暨無線部門總經理Tim Vehling則是在CES的一場論壇上極力凸顯60GHz頻段UltraGig技術的優勢。

Vehling指出,UltraGig在實際展示時不會受到任何干擾,但 Miracast 則會受到眾多Wi-Fi裝置的影響:「人們在CES展示Miracast的唯一方式,就是得離開展場(例如聯發科是在飯店的私人展示間);有些案例則是耍一些“造假”手段(如使用MHL纜線)。」

另一家市場研究機構 ABI Research 無線連結與半導體市場分析師Peter Cooney同意以上看法,他表示,有部分在CES會場的Miracast展示,可能是採用 802.11n 技術:「所以那並不是一場公平的較量。」而無論如何:「CES展場是一個非常嘈雜的環境。」

Wi-Fi無疑仍是家庭內重要的無線寬頻技術;根據ABI Research的統計,光是2012年,全球Wi-Fi裝置出貨量就超過15億台。然而這樣的數字也衍生了對Wi-Fi裝置在未來是否會過於擁擠、以及在耐用度上的合理憂慮;這正是Silicon Image挾其UltraGig技術豪賭的負面情況。

除了沒有裝置擁塞問題,Vehling還強調UltraGig的低延遲與較高視訊品質優勢:「60GHz的Wireless HD 延遲不到5ms,」對遊戲應用來說特別重要,再加上:「因為其增加的頻寬是在60GHz頻段提供,視訊品質也較佳;不必使用H.264壓縮。」

那麼,兩種技術的競爭底線何在?當然是有關專利技術與標準規格的經典爭議。不用說,UltraGig的缺點正是:「它是專利晶片解決方案,且Silicon Image 是唯一的供應來源;」IHS 分析師O’Rourke表示:「因為如此它的價格相對較高,對消費性電子業者來說是一大風險。」

據O’Rourke了解,Silicon Image已經開始向OEM廠商推銷UltraGig一段時間,但:「到目前為止沒有太多成功案例;」他表示,Silicon Image正陷入一種兩難境地──該公司需要衝量以壓低晶片平均銷售價格(ASP),但OEM客戶卻希望在大量應用之前就能取得較低價格:「若有另一個UltraGig晶片供應來源會有一些幫助,也能降低對OEM廠商供應風險。」

不過 UltraGig 與 Miracast 的戰爭也可能出現意料之外的新轉折。


短期看來, UltraGig 與 Miracast是60GHz專利技術與2.4GHz / 5GHz Wi-Fi標準的競爭,但稍早之前, WiGig Alliance (推動60GHz技術開放性標準的組織)與Wi-Fi Alliance宣佈合併,有可能出現的發展是:「WiGig會併入Wi-Fi,於是802.11ad就會變成主流60GHz標準。」ABI的Cooney預測。

WiGig 或802.11ad 是採用60GHz頻段中800 或1600MHz的超寬頻(UWB)技術,傳輸速率號稱最高可達7Gbps;WiGig Alliance與Wi-Fi Alliance兩個原本互相競爭的組織合併,顯然將會讓60GHz技術與2.4GHz/5GHz Wi-Fi標準之間的競爭界線出現模糊。

Cooney表示,WiGig 是一個對所有WiGig Alliance成員開放的標準,而Silicon Image也是該聯盟成員之一,因此該公司也能取得WiGig技術內容。當然,UltraGig已經可以量產,Silicon Image的目標是推動60GHz技術的起飛成長,這不會改變今日UltraGig還是專利技術的事實;但在兩到三年之後,也許情況會完全不同。

未來UltraGig「可能將擁有Wi-Fi Alliance 與其成員的支持力量,於是另外一種60GHz技術會很難(或是不可能)與之競爭。」Cooney認為。

他的預測會不會太樂觀?也許會,也許不會。根據ABI Research 預測,802.11ad (WiGig)將主要被建置於三頻晶片組(也就是同時支援802.11n、802.11ac與802.11ad三種標準的方案),然後未來行動裝置將具備可按照不同使用情況,無縫選擇任一種通訊協議的能力。

目前除了Silicon Image 以外,也有其他專攻60GHz技術的廠商。Cooney指出,其中:「Wilocity 跑得最快,該公司在CES的私人展示間展示了60GHz/ WiGig/11ad 解決方案。」這家Wi-Gig技術供應商已經與高通(Qualcomm)和Marvell合作推出三頻解決方案。在此同時,戴爾(Dell)率先發表內建Wilocity與Qualcomm Atheros合作開發的WiGig/80211a方案之ultrabook。

WiGig對Silicon Image的UltraGig未來發展將產生如何影響尚不可知;再者,Silicon Image是否會將其專利技術化為WiGig解決方案的一部分,還有待觀察。至少現在ABI認為,UltraGig不會一直都是完全隔絕於WiGig或WiFi的專利60GHz無線技術。

  • 2013 起 Ultrabook 市場會持續成長,802.11ac Gbits Wifi 網路會持續成長,將有 3500萬 ~ 3800 萬台 Ultrabook 配 802.11 as Gbits Wifi;( 2013 Ultrabook market will continue to grow, the the 802.11ac Gbits Wifi Internet will continue to grow, there will be 35 million to 38 million units Ultrabook with 802.11 as Gbits Wifi; )
  • 要非常注意 Apple Inc., 的 Mac 及 iPad 系列採用之 Wifi 標準;若全換成 802.11 ac/b/g/n  將是 Wifi 晶片大洗牌;( Great attention to Apple Inc., Mac and iPad series of Wifi standards; if all replaced with 802.11 ac / b / g / n Wifi chip will be a major reshuffle; )
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