2012年3月10日 星期六

好好看照像藝術 ( Beautiful Pictures from SuGraphic On March 1st)

SuGraphic 是一個照像藝術群聚的論壇,我很喜歡許多照像專業高手提供他們作品,喜歡的人可以加入會員與他們討論。


最後的秋天已經來到伊斯坦布爾市。 美麗的黃金和鐵鏽色的葉子,
 這是在花打開和關閉與太陽的方式。 雛菊象徵純真,溫柔,
和由 Swannie purity.SwannieAdded 的。 據說這種花已經從
的樹精誰主持了森林,草原和牧場,派生。 羅馬的傳說
仙女 Belides 抓住了 Vertumnus 眼,果園之神。 這件事發生時,
她與其他仙女跳舞在森林邊緣。 belides不希望成為人們關注
的中心,所以演變成的花貝利斯。 這是菊花`植物學名。
這些都是我的尼康相機的鬱金香照片...... 享受!
頭巾包裹的紗布**字** - 反映頭巾般的外觀盛開的鬱金香。


There`s lots of things with which I`m blessed,
Tho my life`s been both Sunny and Blue,
But of all my blessings,
This one`s the best: To have a friend like you.

In times of trouble friends will say,
Just ask... I`ll help you through it.
But you don`t wait for me to ask,
You just get up and you do it!

And I can think of nothing in life ,
That I could more wisely do,
Than know a friend,
And be a friend, and love a friend... like you.

There's a hero - Lyrics

There's a flower in the smallest garden
Reaching for the light
There's a candle in the darkest corner
Conquering the night
There is amazing strength
In a willing hand
There are victories
That you've never planned
There's a hero
In everybody's heart

There's a fire inside of everybody
Burning clear and bright
There's a power in the faintest heartbeat
That cannot be denied
Go on and trust yourself
Cause you can ride the wind
You're gonna take your dreams
Where's they've never been
There's a hero
In everybody's heart

Go on and trust yourself
Cause you can ride the wind
You're gonna take your dreams
Where they've never been
There's a hero
In everybody's heart

There's a hero
In everybody's hearts

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