2009年5月5日 星期二

UYM ETF Holding Analysis ( 基本原料ETF: UYM 持股分析)

This analysis is based on Yahoo finance profile of holding on UYM ETF and its analysis algorithm in math is not the same as 全球投資趨勢 ( Global Investment Trend ) 分析 2011/11 ~ 2012/3 .

所有測試 Google Spreadsheet, Google Finance API 與 Google Web computing server 之表格, 屬於 自己投資與Web computing 計劃之參考, 請勿當成投資之參考, 更勿複製也不可用於交易目的或諮詢!(每天自動更新)
技術圖如上,請參考 Yahoo Finance, Google finance, stockschart.com。
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KOL ETF Holding Analysis (煤ETF: KOL 持股分析)

所有測試 Google Spreadsheet, Google Finance API 與 Google Web computing server 之表格, 屬於 自己投資與Web computing 計劃之參考, 請勿當成投資之參考, 更勿複製也不可用於交易目的或諮詢!(每天自動更新)
技術圖如上,請參考 Yahoo Finance, Google finance, stockschart.com。

2009年5月3日 星期日

男人百分百 (What Women Want) - A Good Movie

    The movie express several stories that what women want, the actor Nick Marshall got a super nature power to hear women's heart, initially, he is very alergied to this capability, so he look for a female mental doctor to help to cure this bug in his heart, finally, the female tell him to have this gift from God is remarkable talent to own the world, then, he learn how to use this talent in his life and beginn to understand women;

     When he can enjoy this gift to hear the voice of heart from women, he change his personality day by day and become more understood the women's love and heart; feel women women difficulty in life, specially, after he get the command from his new boss Darcy McGuire to brainstorm the ideal of female Ads.; Frankly speaking, I also feel that is so difficulty to women in her life.

    我覺得這是非常好的 Movie DVD,值得珍藏。

引用: Youtube, www.imdb.com