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2015年1月25日 星期日

微軟 HoloLens:科幻虛擬實境裝置將啟動3D全像投影贏Google Glass成為下一代很重要穿載電腦 ( Microsoft HoloLens: A science fiction virtual reality device with 3D holographic projection will win Google Glass has become the next generation wearable computer )

微軟 HoloLens:超科幻的虛擬實境裝置

這個 HoloLens 是一個功能頗有未來感的虛擬實境裝置,它除了能在現實的場景投射各種虛擬

HoloLens 是微軟首款虛擬實境裝置,它完全不需要其他配件、外接線路即可獨立運。HoloLens 主要是以 Windows 10 為基礎,並搭配微軟的 Windows Holographic 技術,同時也內建強大的處裡器、繪圖晶片、多種感應器、全像高解析度鏡頭和全像處理單元 HPU ( Holographic Processing Unit),不僅可即時偵測使用者的動作和周圍環境,同時也會即時處理從感應器即時接收到百萬位元組資料,進而讓使用者可直接和和虛擬物件互動,不僅可讓設計師可更直覺的去檢視、修改自己的產品,也能運用在家庭娛樂或是科學研究等多種領域上。

雖然已經發表了 HoloLens,但微軟並不打算藏私,而是選擇和其他虛擬實境裝置的製造商一起分享 Windows Holographic 相關技術。微軟表示所有 Windows 10 系統中都將內建 Holograms API,同時微軟也發表了用來製作 Holograms 內容的 HoloStudio 軟體,讓你可透過虛擬、可互動的工具軟體,自由設計出各種可互動的虛擬實境介面或物體,甚至還可支援把你設計出來的物體,透過 3D 列印技術直接列印出來。

微軟在Windows 10消費端應用說明活動中,同時揭曉可獨立運作頭戴式裝置HoloLens,藉此示範結合自然人機操作介面、虛擬實境顯示與Windows 10等應用模式,並且讓合作廠商也能以此設計不同形式裝置。而在會後接受訪談中,微軟Xbox部門負責人Phil Spencer表示HoloLens定位並非用於對抗Oculus、Sony或三星旗下推出虛擬顯示頭戴裝置,強調雖然HoloLens具備相同或類似功能,但重心還是放在其可獨立運作用於各類領域的使用特性。
在接受訪談中,微軟Xbox部門負責人Phil Spencer表示HoloLens的產品定位,並非用於對抗Oculus、Sony或三星旗下推出虛擬顯示頭戴裝置。雖然HoloLens本身也具備連接或串流源自Windows或Xbox One的影像內容,並且也支援虛擬實境影像顯示,但其重心依然著重可獨立運作用於各類領域的使用特性,並非僅只是定位在單一顯示設備配件。
HoloLens是微軟以前瞻性思維所打造產品,本身除整合虛擬實境顯示、對應手勢及語音等人機操作模式,以及提供TB等級的即時運算量等特性,同時也呈現Windows 10於穿戴裝置應用的可能性,微軟也表示目前此項產品仍為前期發展階段,未來將持續拓展實際可應用領域。

在HoloLens設計部分,微軟將採取獨立運作、沒有任何連接線,甚至在處理器、繪圖器等運作元件外,更額外加入負責全息影像處理的HPU (Holographic Processing Unit),以及Windows Holographic技術,同時支援Universal Windows Apps。

Google Glass 原理及功能定義越來越清楚 - 但要停產?

Google表示,現在開發人員可將其他服務的語音命令添加到主要選單中,最先示範的兩項語音命令是張貼更新(Post an update)與作筆記(Take a note),前者目前支援社交程式Path,後者支援Evernote。Glass用戶必須先說出「Ok,Glass」以啟用語音命令功能,張貼更新與作筆記只是個開始,未來Google將會允許Glass用戶利用語音來執行各種服務。

此次Google也改善了Glass平台上的重點服務─Google Now,Google Now標榜能在對的時間與地點展示對的資訊,有各種類別的卡片,諸如交通、天氣與運動賽事的即時成績等,現在則新增電影、活動與緊急通知卡片,可顯示附近電影院正上映的影片,亦可提醒使用者音樂會或有訂位的晚餐時間快到了,或是在天災發生時進行緊急通知。


Google期望Google Glass可於今年正式上市,目前估計約有數千人正使用測試版的Google Glass Explorer,測試版售價為1500美元。

Google Glass 團隊宣稱「畢業了」下週開始停產停售?

下週一開始,也就是 1/19 進行 2 年的 Google Glass Explorer 計劃將停止,Google Glass 將停售停產不再接受訂單。


好啦,都不是。在 Google Glass 的官方 Google+ 帳號上,他們宣布「我們從『Google 的 X 實驗室』畢業了!」並感謝每個幫助他們嘗試、試驗 Google Glass 功能的先驅者們。

沒錯,Google Glass 將停止銷售給一般消費者(合作業者還是會繼續),並且從 Google X 實驗室旗下搬出,移交智慧家庭部門 Nest Labs 執行長 Tony Fadell 督導 。

Google 也澄清雖然目前看來一切暫停,但他們並沒有要放棄 Google Glass,反之他們還要致力於推出能讓一般消費者適用的 Google Glass;只是時間還不確定。而 Google 的這項舉動被多數媒體認為代表著「Google Glass 長大了」下一步就是商業化。

不管如何,很期待下次再出現的 Google Glass 會長怎樣?是不是克服了一直以來大家詬病的隱私、安全、設計、成本等問題?

  • Google Glass 到目前仍是過於耗電,售價與功能不成吸引力因子,相較之下微軟 HoloLens 功能比Google Glass 更實用,而且,只要加上一個相機就可包含Google Glass 功能,再來就看微軟 HoloLens售價。
  • 微軟 HoloLens 也將面臨耗電問題,因為所需要之耗電全像處理單元 HPU ( Holographic Processing Unit)將比 Google Glass 更耗電。

2014年6月23日 星期一

如果, 蘋果 iWatch ( 智慧型手錶 ) 成為穿載主流之影響 - 將啟動物聯網裝置、智慧型穿載之普及 ( If Apple iWatch (smart watches) are set to become the mainstream of the wearable - It will start to make inference to IOT devices, smart wearable )

iWatch - Apple aiming for October smart watch launch

Apple has been rumored to be working on its "iWatch" smart watch since late 2012, but the company has begun accelerating work on the project as it tries to expand its family of mobile devices to the wrist. Apple has already started work on trademarking the name in a number of countries in preparation for a late 2014 launch, perhaps in October, with the device entering mass production in July.

Because we don't yet know what an Apple iWatch will look like, the photos we've included in the roundup are either mockups or existing non-Apple products. For example, the red watch at the top of the page is the Lunatik iPod nano watch.

Recent reports from reputable sources like Reuters and The Wall Street Journal have pointed towards multiple screen sizes for the iWatch, in sizes up to 2.5 inches diagonally, a which is the size of the current-generation iPod nano. The iWatch face, said to be slightly rectangular, may protrude slightly from a band to create an arch shape on the wrist.

Along with multiple sizes, the iWatch may be available at several different price points, suggesting an array of different band and face options in various materials to position it as a fashion accessory.

Though we don't know exactly what the iWatch will look like, it is expected to include a durable sapphire crystal display, produced in collaboration with Apple partner GT Advanced. Apple and GT Advanced recently signed a deal that will see the latter producing large quantities of sapphire crystal for use in various Apple products.

While the iWatch will perform some tasks independently, it will be dependent on a compatible iOS device for functions like receiving messages, voice calls, and notifications. It is also expected to feature wireless charging capabilities, advanced mapping abilities, and possibly NFC integration.

Along with serving as a companion device to the iPhone and iPad, the iWatch will be able to measure multiple different health-related metrics like steps taken, calories burned, sleep quality, heart rate, and more. The iWatch is said to include 10 different sensors to track health and fitness, providing an overall picture of health and making the health-tracking experience more accessible to the general public.

Apple has reportedly designed iOS 8 with the iWatch in mind, and the two are said to be heavily reliant on one another. The iWatch will likely take advantage of the "Health" app introduced with iOS 8, which may display all of the health-related information gathered by the watch.  ... Continue to Read.

蘋果iWatch 傳廣達代工

10 sensors smart watch






 另有不具名人士透露,樂金顯示器(LG Display)為蘋果智慧手表首批的獨家面板供應商。此外,手表內可偵測使用者脈搏的感測器,由新加坡影像和感測器廠商Heptagon提供。



 蘋果上月推出1款名為Health的新應用程式,顯示該公司布局保健和健身資料追蹤市場的企圖心。由於Health程式可將使用者的健身和健康資訊全部彙集至一處,但蘋果卻尚未推出可彙集此類數據的裝置,更加深外界對iWatch即將推出的預測 ... 持續閱讀


2014年5月24日 星期六

我喜歡的智惠型穿載及物聯網裝置 ( IOT ( Internet of Things ) devices I like )

Google Glass

Google 眼鏡因為沒有鍵盤,一切都要「語音控制」(目前只支援英文),所以眼鏡本身功能的管理,全部都是以手機端的 App、 網頁端的 My Glass 網站來進行。

最基本的天氣預報等 Google Now 資訊,當然也都在 Google 眼鏡上可以隨時讀取。

我感覺只要 Google Now 持續的強化(目前也確實如此),那麼 Google 眼鏡就會是最能代表 Google Now 的設備, Google Glass 也會因為 Google Now 而成為「有用的智能助理」。任何我接下來需要的資訊、行動,都可以隨時、即時、自動的彈出在我的眼前,並且讓我決定如何互動。

Google Glass 的即時通訊

當然, Google Glass 也會是一個很棒的通訊工具,可看作你的藍牙耳麥的超級進化版。透過藍牙與你的手機連結後, Google 眼鏡真的可以幫你接電話、講電話,甚至呼叫手機通訊錄、控制撥打手機電話,而我的雙手可以繼續進行我的工作與行動,只要語音命令就可以讓 Google Glass 完成電話撥接。

Google Glass更新:餐廳訂位、路況回報及第三方語音控制等功能

在Google Glass的XE8最新發表更新中,這次Google Glass搭載的Google Now功能將有新了的內容更新,且可使用第三方語音應用更新和影片播放控制等功能。

Google Glass在Google Now功能更新包括:旅館及餐廳訂位、演唱會門票預訂及提醒、院線電影放映的資訊、緊急災害提醒、交通狀況回報及提醒、天氣預報、隨時查看運動賽事等。

Google Glass在主選單中新增了「第三方語音控制」選項,可支援Path以及Evernote等應用。

此外Google Glass影片播放時,新增了可讓用戶在影片播放時控制影片播放的狀態,暫停、播放、快轉等。

Smart Band  智能手環 – 人體微型電腦

先來看看智能手環的功能與運作。智能手環為了講求動作判斷精準程度,通常會建議選擇適合手腕寬幅的尺寸,避免過於寬鬆而誤判數據。基本上 Jawbone UP的運作原理同樣採用動態感應元件作為動作識別,Jawbone Up 設計團隊在官網影片中針對製作方式做了說明:「對於這件腕戴式產品,我們的期望是它能像手錶一樣耐用、又像手鐲一樣時尚,UP…需要創造各種新的『製造』方式,還需要開發各種新的產品測試方法,…最大的難題在於鑄模,它內部電子零件小巧精密,因此必須解決這些艱難挑戰,讓它非常堅固、非常耐用、而且非常輕,能夠輕鬆配戴,同時還要完全防水及液體。必須進行掉落測試,確認它們在各種意外的墜落後都能安然無恙…..電路板上每個零件的位置都必須精密規劃,才能夠為整個系統提供適當的機械支援」。穿戴式產品的出現,使人們可量化自己每天的數據,注意飲食、睡眠、運動等健康資訊,與智慧型手機同步後也可結合社群網站分享資訊。


Jawbone花錢買專利  咕咚複製無侵權?

Jawbone與動態感應技術廠商 Fullpower-MotionX 合作,動態感應技術一向是該公司的亮點。今年四月底,Jawbone 宣佈以 1.1 億美金買下具有多項穿戴式監測裝置技術專利的BodyMedia,瞬間增加至少數十個感應專利(USPTO 輸入 BodyMedia 所查詢到的專利。Jawbone 花大錢買專利,而咕咚智能手環的相似有無涉及侵權問題呢?

智能手環下一步:健檢諮詢 開放API

雖然智能手環可以做到「量化己身」,但是如果只有提供數據,使用者容易感到無聊,產品的新鮮感與實用性就會降低很多。未來應會加上健檢指標,與醫院或健康諮詢單位合作,讓使用者可直接上傳數據便能獲得檢測分析報告、及醫生或運動專家的建議,如此才能增加手環的價值,並使盈利過程拉長。咕咚已宣佈在和百度雲合作後,數據相關業務會被放上相當重要的位置,而 Jawbone未來將進一步擴增旗下體能監控的應用範疇,也將開放旗下API內容,讓開發者可以設計更多Jawbone UP應用功能。


Dog collar

Whistle is a wireless based sensor device attached to a dog's collar that collects data depending on a dog's age, breed and weight during the day. The data is sent to an accompanying iOS device, which can be translated into a graph by special algorithms, to reveal how much and how quickly the dog has moved around.

The device also tracks the dog's exact location using GPS, an accelerometer and cellular wireless technology. Battery life is said to be 10 days with an LED light showing when it needs topping up.

Whistle, the makers behind the $100 tracker, said it will give owners "a new perspective on day-to-day behaviour and long-term health trends".


Kolibree's electric toothbrush keeps track of brushing habits and techniques by analysing the movements and the length of brushing with monitoring and scoring scales. The waterproof device sends data to your smartphone with notes on whether you brushed long enough and reached the important parts of your teeth and gums. ( Kolibree 的電動牙刷跟踪通過分析運動刷牙習慣和方法中的,並與監測和得分秤刷牙的時間。防水裝置將數據發送到您的智能手機與筆記您是否刷夠長,達到你的牙齒和牙齦的重要組成部分。)

The app, which includes tips on how to brush better, can also be configured to track the brushing data of family and friends unless they choose to keep it private. 

The wearable gadget, developed by Rest Devices, is a sleep suit and baby monitor that tracks a baby wearer's temperature, breathing rate, body position and activity level.

The waterproof plastic turtle above has a temperature sensor, accelerometer and Bluetooth low-energy chip that sends audio and data in real time to connected apps for iOS and Android devices.

Users can also view past logs to understand their baby's sleeping patterns.


Dacor, a kitchen appliances maker, unveiled the world's first smart oven at CES. Powered by a Samsung 1GHz Processor, the Dacor Discovery iQ cooker has self-cleaning tools, its own colour touch control screen and a four-part convection system that reduces cooking time.

The oven is controlled from an Android or iOS smartphone, which include apps that provide cooking instructions and recipe videos. Users are alerted when heating is completed and guests can be told when dinner is ready.

LG HomeChat system

LG unveiled a HomeChat system earlier this year that allows users to send text messages to appliances and then get responses.

David VanderWaal, the firm's head of appliance brand marketing in the US, said that by texting "what are you up to?" to a washing machine for example, users can get a reply such as: "I'm just finishing the spin cycle, I won't be long."

Users could tell a washer machine to start a load of laundry or a hover to clean up before they get home, while fridges could tell owners how much food or drink it has left.

The system is expected to be released in America later this year.

Beddit is a film sensor that lies under your sheets. It tracks your sleep, heart rate, breathing rhythm, movements and snoring, and no wearable sensors are required. When you're asleep, sensors send the data via Bluetooth to your smartphone and in the morning, the smartphone app shows you your sleeping performance as well as tips on how to improve it. Other features include an integrated alarm clock, sleeping statistics and other coaching tips. All this can be controlled from your iOS or Android device. ( Beddit 是一種薄膜傳感器,根據你的床單所在。它跟踪你的睡眠,心臟速率,呼吸節奏,動作和打鼾,也沒有穿戴式傳感器是必需的。當你睡著了,感應器通過藍牙將數據發送到您的智能手機,並在早晨,智能手機的應用程式顯示了你的睡眠與健康表現。)

Nobody wants to sleep with an extra wristband (or a headband, for that matter). Beddit is placed in your bed, under the sheet. You won't feel it at all.

Beddit gives you more with less. No hassle, but rich, accurate data and tips to help you sleep well and feel refreshed.

Beddit is based on ballistocardiography (BCG), a scientific method for measuring cardiorespiratory functions.

It detects the tiny movements caused by respiration and heartbeats, and turns them into useful sleep and wellness information and guidance.

Owlet Infant Health Tracker

No one is more concerned with health than the mother of an infant, and with the rising availability of wrist-worn fitness tracking devices, it only makes sense that a baby-sized health tracker would pop up.

Meet Owlet, one of our hardware battlefield companies.

Owlet is an ankle-worn health tracking device for your baby, with an accompanying app that gives you a readout on your little bundle of joy’s health at any time.

Owlet tracks heart rate, oxygen levels, skin temperature and even provides rollover alerts during sleep. ( Owlet 跟踪你的心臟速率,氧含量,皮膚溫度,甚至在睡覺時提供翻轉警示。)

It all works with a system called Pulse oximetry, which has been used in hospitals and in pediatrics for years. By using red and infrared lights, the “smart sock” as they call it, can measure heart rate and oxygen levels without being invasive.

The smart sock then transmits the information its recording to a smartphone app via Bluetooth 4.0. If you don’t have a smartphone, you can plug in the smart sock via USB to see metrics on your computer, or connect the smart sock to your home Wifi network to see readouts on any connected device.

The sock is hypoallergenic, wireless, and all the electronic components are housed in a resistant silicone case to make sure no one gets electrocuted.
