2010年1月2日 星期六

全球政府發行國債將近60%全球GDP - 分析與評論 ( Globe debt reach world wide GDP 60% )

Public debt percent gdp world map, 全球政府債GDP比率地圖
國債(又稱公債、主權債 、 政府債 )即國家借的債 ,是國家為籌措資金而向投資者出具的借款憑證,承諾在一定的時期內按約定的條件,按期支付利息和到期歸還本金 。


我們參考每一個國家 GDP 及 政府債,製作自動由 WiKi 及 CIA 更新資料之參考表(如下 ),你可以發現日本、新加坡、德國、比利時、義大利、美國政府債已經接近GDP,其中,日本、新加坡、義大利政府債已經超過GDP,這些國家是經不起大幅經濟衰退,可見的未來許多國家政府債大於GDP,再面臨經濟危機時將有許多國家性金融風暴,貨幣也會變得非常沒有價值 。

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4 則留言:

Cubic 提到...

Thanks for your eplanation, it looks like we can consider to store some currency of those countries which have less percentage debt, so that their value might not be reduced so possibly?

Knowledge Teaching And Reading 提到...

Currency investment is not easy, fr example, Japan Gov. Debt is higher, but their currency get stronger after this finance crisis of world wide, why?

Due to US strategy controlled Japan Yen currency and a lot of world wide currency, that is why China said that US is a country controlled a lot of world wide currency trend.

Cubic 提到...

Yes I agree with you, US is a country who controls a lot of world wide currency trend. I suppose we still have to own some US dollor, though NTD is stronger these days.

Knowledge Teaching And Reading 提到...

that depends on your choose, you can own USD step by step, but you don't have to put 100% saving into USD