顯示具有 油畫藝術 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 油畫藝術 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2012年2月27日 星期一

Walking Among The Contemporary Realism Painting From Blogs ( 逛當代現實主義藝術部落格 )


    There are many kind of art in the Contemporary Realism Painting, Most important to me is its color and imagination like dreaming, This can give me more in the light of heart from happiness of peace, make my mind can keep silence with the colorful happiness, thanks to those artist, Lord, Please bless those artist a fruitful 2012, amen! )  ( 對我而言最重要是顏色及那種如夢幻般的想像力,給與心靈一絲喜樂之光,安靜思想於多彩的幸福裡,很感謝這些藝術家。)

'Do Not Stop On Tracks' - 10"x10" - oil on canvas
    The 1st blog I visit again in 2012 is Jelaine Faunce Studio who is a lovely women with most alive and imaginative color in her painting. One of her painting recently is quite amazing, I like it. ( Jelaine Faunce 的畫充滿現代感、活力的顏色,蠻喜歡的。 )

The next one is Phillip Gross, his painting of subject river with quite warm color with wide space of feeling, that is why I also like it, the wide space feeling give us more relax. ( 很溫暖、遼闊視野,心情會自然輕鬆、寧靜。 )

Sacramento Farm Fields -Terry Pappas

All Artist's Blog:

Ride away with me -  Dianne Gall

Going Home - Jim Thalassoudis 

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2010年2月15日 星期一

科技走廊成形 台北經濟產值可期 - 分析與評論

Jinguashi, TaiwanImage by Christopher Chan via Flickr
因應全球產業發展趨勢、打造有利國際投資環境,台北市政府規劃的「台北科技走廊」逐步啟動,這項建構台北科技城計畫,也讓台北市邁向知識經濟的新紀元。根據台北市產業發展局數據,「台北科技走廊」(Taipei Technology Corridor;T.T.C)規劃自內湖科技園區、南港經貿園區、軟體園區及南港高鐵沿線新生地、大內科地區、北投士林科技園區,到關渡工業區,這條產業發展軸帶總面積達893.3公頃。






  • 政府持續規劃北投士林科技園區是很好構想,應該再增加投資新創公司減稅鼓勵條例,讓這些硬體建設之「台北科技走廊」增加資金之支持,才能有機會充實軟體、創新、人才之支柱;
  • 臺灣之知識密集產業長期缺乏軟體、創新、品牌、人才培育獎勵鼓勵策略,以致很難主導全世界高科技相關項目,政府需要更佳之獎勵鼓勵策略才能發揮效用;
  • 更不希望政府持續規劃北投士林科技園區又演變成房地產炒作那是有害臺灣;

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2008年3月29日 星期六

Tourism Among The Painting Artist Blogs ( 逛畫廊型式也變了? )

逛我喜歡之畫廊 一

I think I am a person interesting much with painting, I offen take a walk to several art galleries, it seems it change a lot when the internet and blogger become popular and encourage a lot of artist put their art in web, I begin to browse around the blogs to look for their painting.

I think it is quite important change that peopel begin to take a walk among many blogs of personal painting artist, it is a big change to me when I feel it is also very sweet walk around those blog just under my click;

Below is a Gil Adram's painting blog, I can feel he is a very good painter, but Google Blogger has one of disadvantage that we cannot link their painting jpeg file to promote their stuff, that is bad; only blogger can promote other blog's product can make thing better.

Gil Adram painting express a color of warm from heart, this is why I like to browse to his blog.
Hope You like all of this traveling among paintings; If you like those painting, you can contact with those artist;
Another painter I visited is James Neil Hollingsworth, I introduce his blog site, quite enjoyable site to make everyone feel happy and a sense of light that painting art still make our life and heart feel better.

This is James Neil Hollingsworth painting blog site, may be you can take a browse to enjoy the feeling of color to heart.
I believe people need the color of art to make us feel the touch of warm from art.

All Artist's Blog:

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